Did you ever think you'd hear from me again? I had my moments. I sent many prayers to God to either cure me or kill me. I was that sick. I'd been sick since around Valentine's Day or there abouts. I had the most severe virus I'd ever had in my life. I went to doctors, hospitals, clinics, and had tests afters tests all to learn it was something more severe than the Norovirus and very contagious. I was sent home and restricted to bed rest for six weeks.
This was no vacation illness, either. I was SICK!!!
My poor, darling, blessing of a husband worked full time then came home and took care of me and our dog and our parrot. He attempted laundry, dishes, the kitchen, and meals. I don't know if I can ever thank him enough.
I spent most of the six weeks sleeping. Nearly 24 hours a day. When the doctor declared me well enough to venture forth from the bedroom, I spent the next two weeks huddled in a chair in the living room, mostly sleeping, between taking care of the dog by walking him and entertaining the parrot and attempting to keep food in my shriveled stomach.
Finally, I was well enough to attend church again. Oh, how I had missed church and my church family. Just walking into the doors I and inhaling deeply did my body good. Receiving healing hugs and wondering blessings did more for me than any pill.
I was still so very tired. One of my doctor's suggested a Myers' IV Therapy session. So, I started that. It consisted of six weeks of IV therapy based on a 1960's nutrient mixture by Dr. John Myers. It helped. I increased my dog's walks from once a day to twice a day.

I have over 3,000 e-mails to review and file or discard based on their content. I have so many websites, communities, blogs, and other social media sites to return to and let them know I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth.
I also have dropped some activities from my responsibilities plate. I resigned from the Board of Directors of Florida Writers Association. I've curtailed my involvement in the Women Marines Association. I have decided to close WRITECOVERY, INC until I'm at a stronger point in my life and can handle the stress of starting a new business. And, I will no longer be giving Writing Workshops, so Succeed At Writing will go away. I've suspended my pursuit of becoming a Journal Writing Instructor until I can be strong enough to pursue it full time.
I can't emphasize enough how serious this illness was to my life. And, how much of a struggle recovering from it is going to be. Not just for the "regular" person. But for the "bipolar" person. I have to be so very careful that I don't turn any one thing I do again, into an obsession and become so absorbed into it that I forget about all other things in my life. And, I didn't do that with just one thing. I did that with MANY things.
This illness was a blessing because it helped me stop and realize that I had been so caught up in so many projects I had no life. Now, I am slowing down. Re-prioritizing what is most important. Taking on only those activities that truly fit my life and my family's life.

God is clearing my plate for something special and I want to be ready for Him.
Have a blessed day.
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