Monday, November 9, 2015

Mental Health Series - Mental Health Support

Having a Mental Health Disorder is not the end of the world. Many people function quite well in society in spite of it.

The first thing you have to understand is that you didn’t cause this to happen to you. Nor should your family members blame themselves. There are many people with mental health problems; you are not the only one. It’s not a defect in your personality, or an ethical limitation. It’s a health condition. And like other health conditions, it’s rarely caused by one specific thing. As far as Mental Health Disorders, lots of various factors can be involved, such as:

·      Your family history
·      Stressful events – loss, conflict, childbirth
·     Stressful life situations – low income, poor housing
·     Other health problems – substance abuse, other mental health issues
·      Environment – seasonal changes and related seasonal issues
·      Personality and thinking style – how you look at the world, how you deal with troubling events or situations, learned behaviors of watching others cope

Sometimes you may have been diagnosed with more than one Mental Health Disorder. It’s very common for people to have more than one disorder at a time. For many with mood problems, they also experience mental disorders. 

Sometimes your diagnosis will change over time when new information comes along or new symptoms occur. For some, your diagnosis may be longer lasting. It’s best to let the professionals who are treating you determine your diagnosis, what are true symptoms, and treatment plans.

As for you, it’s important to be as knowledgeable, cognizant, and absorbed as you possibly can in your own mental health. You must get involved in your treatment plans and share the decision making with your support team.

Your support team should consist of close family members or friends. A faith leader, health care provider, your psychiatrist and either your spouse or other trusted person should also be included.

Your support system should give you good advice, help when you need it, allow you space when necessary, listen to you, respect your need for confidentiality, work with you on figuring how what to do the next time you experience a bad episode, and always have your best interest in mind.

Keeping a journal is a way for you to have some control over your thoughts and feelings. You can write them down in your journal along with any symptoms you may experience, as well as mood changes. These will all be beneficial to your psychiatrist in keeping current with your treatment plan.

Turn to God. He is always there to comfort you. Spend time in prayer and in listening to God's message. Become involved in your church functions. You can't find amy better support than your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Finally, join a reputable and safe online Mental Health community that supports each other  and provides up to date information.

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